The Clear Cover is the transparent plastic section which shields the lighting tubes in the canopy from water splashes and spray etc. These frequently become scratched and scuffed over time reducing the amount of light which penetrates the water’s surface. You will be amazed how much difference a new one can make.
Maintaining your AquaStyle aquarium was never easier... Keep your AquaStyle 510 Aquarium in fantastic order with our great value genuine Aqua One Complete Renewal Kit. The easiest and most cost effective aquarium maintenance solution, from Aquarium Parts and Aqua One!
Bionood ceramic cylinders are supplied with both Aqua One's Aquarium Series and their excellent Aquis and Advance Canister Filters because they offer such excellent biological filtration capacity. Change a few regularly to maintain an efficient and stable bacterial population.
Ammonia is a killer in any aquarium. Chemizee is a naturally occurring mineral which will eliminate or reduce Ammonia in any setup. Change regularly for best effect.